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Five effective ways of improving the ROI of remote construction management

Conventionally, construction project managers constantly move from one construction site to another. Therefore, managing multiple construction projects has traditionally been a time-consuming and labour-intensive affair.  

Fortunately, remote construction management has brought ease to their lives. Whether rescheduling a construction project or progress checking, they can use construction management tools to complete their jobs remotely. 

Effective ways to improve ROI of remote construction management software

However, to fully reap the benefits of remote construction management, you need to know how to do things effectively to improve ROI. So, here we go: 

1. Onboard all stakeholders to a common platform 

Establish a single platform wherein you can onboard various stakeholders. Ideally, the real estate developers, the PMC and the sub-contractors working on the project must have access to the platform. This will facilitate better collaboration, document management, task clarity, and the role and access management. 

As plans changes and BIM models are updated, it’d be very useful to have a single source of truth. Furthermore, a common platform will increase transparency, facilitate interaction and manage expectations from the overall team.

2. Don’t adopt a generic project management software

A generic project management software is not an ideal choice for construction management. Unlike other sectors, the construction sector involves the need to visually monitor and inspect each aspect of the project. A CRM platform (primarily) built to monitor software projects cannot do justice to the unique needs of the construction sector. 

In addition to it, every subsequent task has a dependency on a multiple set of tasks. You must keep your entire team on the same page, especially when managing things remotely. 

Hence, it’d be wise to choose a Visual Intelligence Platform for remote construction management. Such a platform can ingest visual inputs (from 360 cameras, drone footage, CCTV cameras etc.) to derive insights and ascertain project updates. 

3. Streamline tasks with a reliable construction project management tool 

The sheer amount of management tasks in remote construction management is overwhelming. In addition to it, every subsequent task has a dependency on a multiple set of tasks. You must keep your entire team on the same page, especially when managing things remotely. This way, everyone will work with the same information and resolving inevitable conflicts will also become easier. 

Ultimately, streamlining tasks will also become easier with a remote construction management tool. 

4. Managing snags/defects efficiently 

In every construction project, there is a strong need to identify defects and address them effectively. The old way of doing it involved documenting them on a piece of paper or spreadsheet and tracking it till closure. 

In the new paradigm, a Visual Intelligence platform (like HUVIAiR Constra) is used to visually annotate the defect/snag. The snag can be assigned to a specific person or team. The concerned person/team can visualize it, monitor it and close it (all within the same system). 

This approach of entire snag-management within the same CRM will drastically reduce the number of errors and the time taken to resolve them. 

5. People connect (virtual, yet personal) 

In a remote construction management environment, there can be issues like:

  • Miscommunication 
  • Conflict of ideas 
  • Coordination amongst multiple entities  

In such an environment, a platform to promote conversations and clarity can be a catalyst to smooth operations. The platform also makes it easier to listen to every opinion, identify conflicts and resolve issues effectively. 

Understand that a remote team setting is different from on-site management. So, it would be best if you created an environment where your team could discuss issues with each other openly. 

Every remote construction management has a strategic goal of increasing the company’s return on investment. However, here we have brought some of the most effective ways to improve construction management’s ROI. Ensure to consider these and benefit your remote construction management more effectively.